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About Us

Kerrville ISD is proud to bean educational leader in the heart of the Hill Country, inspiring all students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens. 

As a district, we educate more than 4,500 students from Kerrville and the surrounding area through our four elementary campuses, Hal Peterson Middle School,  and Tivy High School. We also prepare students for school through our Pre-K programs at our Early Childhood Center and meet the student needs at our academic alternative campus - Hill Country High School. 

In everything we do at Kerrville ISD, we keep our focus on students first. We work continuously to provide students with engaging, rigorous, personalized learning experiences that meet individual needs, foster student ownership of learning and develop 21st Century skills for lifelong learning. 

We invite you to take a look around our website and learn more about our district and all the many learning opportunities we offer students. 

District Accomplishments


  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 12 Career and Technology Education Pathways offered 
  • Graduating seniors earned more than $1,000,000 in scholarships - Class of 2024
  • Earned the highest financial rating a school district may receive for more than 15 consecutive years on the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas
  • Earned a Financial Transparency Star recognition from the Texas State Comptroller's Office for Financial Transparency 


KISD By The Numbers

Kerrville Independent School District is an accredited 5-A school district located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, just 45 minutes west of San Antonio. Kerrville ISD is home to six traditional campuses, one early childhood center, and an academic alternative high school. KISD educates more than 4,950 students and employs 685 people from Kerrville and surrounding areas.
Early Childhood Center - 3, 4 year olds, HeadStart, PPCD
Tom Daniels Elementary School - K-5
Nimitz Elementary School - K-5
Starkey Elementary School - K-5
Fred H. Tally Elementary School - K-5
Hal Peterson Middle School - 6th, 7th and 8th grades
Tivy High School - 9th-12th grade
Hill Country High School - Academic Alternative HS

Economically Disadvantaged

2023-2024 Budget
Local Revenue $28,263,000
State Revenue $19,040,560
Federal Revenue $565,000
TOTAL REVENUE $47,868,560

2023-2024 Tax Rate
Operating $0.6692
Interest & Sinking $0.18