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Partners on Patrol

The Partners on Patrol program exists to enhance building security and school safety efforts through the use of volunteers who will check exterior doors to ensure they are locked and latched, conduct inspections of school grounds and playground areas, and monitor entrances to buildings. Volunteers who are assigned at the end of the day may be asked to assist at crosswalks.

Partners on Patrol are NOT armed and are not allowed to carry weapons in school buildings.

Who? Volunteer parents, guardians, family, and active or retired law-enforcement, military or first responder community members over the age of 21 who are able to pass a criminal background check.

When? The campus will develop a schedule for which volunteers can sign up. Typically, a volunteer will sign up for a one to two-hour shift. High priority times are during student drop off, lunch and recess time, and end of day pick-up, but other times of the day may be available.

How? Complete the attached application and criminal history background check authorization form and submit them to the campus office of the school at which you would like to volunteer. Volunteers are required to complete a one-hour training on school safety procedures and job responsibilities before working on campus

First page of the PDF file: PartnersonPatrolApplicationPacket