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Elementary Registration Information

Early Childhood Center (Pre-K and Head Start) Registration 

Kerrville ISD’s Early Childhood Center is now accepting applications for its Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten programs. Applications are available at the Early Childhood Campus located at 1011 Third Street. For more information, call 257-1335. These programs are open to age and income eligible children living in the Kerrville ISD attendance zone. Children must be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 and at least one of the following:

-          Qualify for the school lunch program;

-          Non-English speaking;

-          McKinney-Vento Act;

-          Active duty military; MIA/Injured or killed while on active duty;

-          Foster care;

-          In/was in conservatorship of TxDFPS;

-          Qualified through the Special Education Department; or

-          Receive SSI or TANF

Please make sure that you have all of the documents required. ECC will not process incomplete applications. Applications must be filled out onsite. 

What Do I Need to Apply? 

Complete an enrollment packet and bring the following items: 

  • All household INCOME (2022W-2; 2022 Filed Income Tax return; Pay check stubs; TANF; SSI; Child support)
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s Social Security card
  • Current Child’s immunization records
  • Parent/Guardian driver’s license
  • Current Medicaid card; CHIP; or private insurance
  • Food Stamp letter (if applicable)
  • Proof of foster care or military service
  • Two documents for proof of residency-- i.e: Driver’s license; property lease; utility or cable bill; Medicaid letter; vehicle or voter registration card

Where Do I Apply? 

KISD Early Childhood Office, located at 1011 Third Street, Kerrville 

Phone: 830-257-1335 

KISD provides services and accommodations for children with disabilities. 


Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024 School Year

Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year will take place at the elementary campus your child will be attending. 

Documents needed to register a child for Kindergarten: 

  • Child's Birth Certificate 
  • Child's Social Security Card
  • Parent or Guardian's Identification 
  • Proof of Residency 
  • Immunization Record

For more information, call your child's campus. 




For online pre-registration instructions, click here

For Directions to access Skyward in Spanish, click here.

Elementary Attendance Confirmations -  July 24 & 25 

Parents must call or visit their child’s school on July 24 & 25 to confirm attendance at that school. If attendance is not confirmed at this time, the pre-registration will be pulled and the child may lose their spot at that campus.

NEW TO KISD IN 2023-2024

Students NEW to a KISD attendance zone will be registered July 29 & 30. Elementary students new to Kerrville will be registered at their home elementary school until the enrollment cap is reached.

For more information, please contact your child’s elementary school. The campus phone numbers are:

Tom Daniels, 830-257-2208

Nimitz, 830-257-2209

Starkey, 830-257-2210

Tally, 830-257-2222