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Kerrville ISD 2024-2025 Pay Scales 

Teacher Pay Scale

Professional Pay Scale 

Clerical Paraprofessional Pay Scale 

Auxiliary Pay Scale

Pay Dates (24-25) 


TRS-Active Care Rates 2024-2025

Summary of Benefits 2024-2025

Blue Cross Blue Shield - Medical Benefits Claim Form - Spanish

Universal Benefit Account - Click Here

TRS Retirement:

Teacher Retirement System of Texas - click here to visit the TRS Website.

403(b) and 457(b) Retirement Account Information

The IRS allows school district employees the option of opening a voluntary tax-deferred retirement account and requires that Kerrville ISD inform you of this available option.  Employees need to seek the advice of a financial advisor or other agent in regards to opening a tax deferred retirement account.

KISD Approved 403(b) Vendor List (Click to view Document)

2016 Information for 403(b) Plan and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (Click to view document)

Salary Reduction Agreement for 403(b) Roth 403(b)

Salary Reduction Agreement for 457(b)

Dee Dee Sheridan
257-2200 Ext. 1037

Christina Chacon
257-2200 Ext. 1039