Kerrville ISD 2024-2025 Pay Scales
Clerical Paraprofessional Pay Scale
Pay Dates (24-25)
TRS-Active Care Rates 2024-2025
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Medical Benefits Claim Form - Spanish
Universal Benefit Account - Click Here
TRS Retirement:
Teacher Retirement System of Texas - click here to visit the TRS Website.
403(b) and 457(b) Retirement Account Information
The IRS allows school district employees the option of opening a voluntary tax-deferred retirement account and requires that Kerrville ISD inform you of this available option. Employees need to seek the advice of a financial advisor or other agent in regards to opening a tax deferred retirement account.
KISD Approved 403(b) Vendor List (Click to view Document)
2016 Information for 403(b) Plan and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (Click to view document)