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Textbook Information

Textbook Review Process
Kerrville ISD uses a proven process for evaluating potential new instructional materials. Academic Excellence Committees comprised of teachers and administrators first reviewed materials either online or received in hard copy format. Committee members look for materials that are most closely aligned to the state’s curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS. 

The Texas Constitution, Article VII, Section 3, requires the State Board of Education set aside sufficient money to provide free textbooks for all children attending public schools in the state. In accordance with this requirement, the SBOE allocates a portion of the Available School Fund, which comprises money set aside by the state from various revenue sources for the support of the public school system. The Texas Legislature appropriates the funds for instructional materials. 

Parents or community members with questions, comments or feedback on instructional materials are encouraged to contact Heather Engstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, at 257-2200, ext. 1020, or by email at 

Instructional materials are just one of the vital tools used in lesson creation.  In Kerrville ISD, teachers are the essential part of the instructional materials selection process.

Our Health/Physical Education Instructional Materials Review Committee previewed and tested materials prior to recommending the final selection for Board of Trustee approval on May 23, 2022. Parents and community members are invited to preview the recommended materials by selecting on the link in the infographic. The committee worked many hours over the course of several months to determine the best option.

The instructional materials are available for community preview May 19 - 23 by selecting links in infographic.

For questions or further information, please contact Heather Engstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction at 830-257-2200 Ext. 1020.


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