Clever App Portal
What is Clever?
Clever is a secure pipeline between your district's data and the learning applications that you and your students use. We help your district's IT office provide applications with all the information they need to be seamlessly set up for your school to use.
Clever Instant Login is our single-sign-on solution, allowing users to log into applications with a single set of credentials, configured at the district level. With the ease of only one username and password, Clever can help teachers reclaim valuable class time. Students and teachers can open their devices, sign into the Clever Portal, and click on their connected applications to automatically access the online learning program.
Click for a Guide on how to use the Clever App Portal
How do I access the Clever portal?
Go to
Type the name of your campus.We are in the process of providing a shortcut to the desktop of all computers. Open the shortcut and you will be taken to the KISD Clever portal.
How do I log in to Clever as a teacher?
Go to your district's Clever Portal:search for your school by going to
Log in with your credentials: Log in to the Clever Portal with your full KISD email address and the initial password- Welcome14How do students log in?
Step 1: Go to your district’s Portal URL: and look for your school
Step 2: Log in using your district username and the initial password - Welcome14
Students will use their first name and lunch number to log in. The student password, since some programs requires 6 digits, is 00+Lunch pin. So for example username would be allen1234 password 001234
Step 3: Click on the application icon you’d like to use
Step 4: Start working!
What apps are available in Clever?
Currently and Office 365 are available and several more are in progress. Below is the current list of apps that are or will be available.
Studies Weekly
Code Academy
PBS Learning Media
Khan Academy